
Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Coffee or Green Tea: Why Not Both!

If you like to drink coffee or green tea, you are probably aware of the many health benefits of each of these drinks. I have written about some of those. What you may not know is the benefit of drinking both beverages in cutting the risk of stroke when the two drinks are taken individually each day.A Japanese study suggests that drinking green tea or coffee daily might lower stroke risk by about 20 percent.  Green tea contains catechins, which have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, that can help regulate blood pressure and improve blood flow. And coffee contains more than just caffeine. It also contains quinides, These are compounds that can help control blood sugar, which cuts your risk of stroke by reducing your risk of Type 2 diabetes. The researchers wrote that the "combination of higher green tea and coffee consumptions contributed to the reduced risk of stroke as an interaction effect for each other," The study was published in the American Heart Association Journal, Stroke.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Coffree: A Life Saver

Several weeks ago, I wrote about the beneficial effects of coffee "Coffee: Just What the Doctor Ordered", April 28, 2012.. Recently, The New England Journal of Medicine, May 17, 2012,  published an article about a study that showed that coffee drinkers (particularly those who consumed three or more cups a day) had a 10% less chance of dying from heart problems, stroke, diabetes and other causes The study was  conducted by researchers from the National Cancer Institute and the AARP. The researchers followed some 400,000 men and women over a 12 year period. .The study involved those who drank coffee with and without caffeine, so it does not appear that caffeine is the operative ingredient that may be beneficial.

So, have another cup of java and drink up!