
Showing posts with label new car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new car. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How to Approach Negotiations and Win

I have written several times on various negotiation techniques to give you an edge. Today's New York Times suggests a novel approach: exertion. In an article entitled "Work Up A Sweat, and Bargain Better," the author reports on a study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that concluded that if you approach negotiations with an attitude of excitement, you are likely to be even more successful if you are moving during the negotiations.

The study showed that a certain level of exertion appeared to result in a better outcome. The study, reported in the journal, Psychological Science, involved participants who negotiated over the phone while walking versus those who remained seated or walking slower.

The study confirmed what we always suspected: the "movers and shakers" will do better in negotiations. How can you become a mover or shaker? Other research shows that just telling yourself that you are "excited" may be enough.

So, go ahead and give yourself a little pep talk before beginning to negotiate for that new car or the terms of that new job. You might be surprised how well you do.