
Showing posts with label not just boomers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label not just boomers. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How Do I Prepare for Retirement?

How do I prepare for retirement?  That is a question that millions of people in the United States are asking themselves. These people are not just boomers like myself, but people in their twenties, thirties and forties, as well. And no, I'm not talking only about how you must save so many dollars a year so that you have enough to last until you are 96 (although that is certainly part of the preparation process). There are many websites and blogs that deal with that issue. What I am talking about is how do you prepare yourself not only financially, but also mentally, physically and psychologically. What this blog does is to provide you with the paths you can take that will ease  your mind.

When you retire, you suddenly have a lot of time on your hands. How you use that time will determine how successful your retirement will be. But the secret is how you prepare to use that time and resources well in advance that will determine whether or not your retirement will be a success.
So search this blog and see if you get some ideas that will work for you. Here are a few posts that may be of help to you:; We will, of course, continue to add information that will help you achieve the retirement you want and deserve, whether now or 20 or more years from  now.