
Showing posts with label calories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calories. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

Stair Climbing to Good Health

Those of you who regularly read this blog know that I am always looking for ways to maximize the health benefits of exercise with the minimum of effort. I have written a number of times about interval training as a means of doing so in just a few minutes several times a week."High Intensity Interval Training for Fitness and Lowering Blood Sugar." Today, on his website, Dr.Andrew Weil, the holistic physician and guru, referred to a recent British study that showed that climbing stairs for as little as seven minutes a day can reduce your risk of developing heart disease by as much as 60%.

The best thing about this finding is that no special equipment or club membership is required. Walking up your steps at home or office can be an easy way to achieve that goal. Or, if you prefer, walking the steps at your local high school stadium also is an excellent way to get in your seven minutes.

A study by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has shown that stair climbing burns 400 percent more calories than walking at two miles per hour. Those who are overweight can lose up to 12 pounds a year (one pound a month) by just climbing two flights of stairs every day. This assumes that the person does not increase his or her food intake.

Stair climbing, as we all know, is not easy.  But these studies make clear that the health benefits may be worth it.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Much Do I Have to Exercise?

Would you eat less if you knew how long you would have to exercise to burn off the calories from that burger with cheese and mayo at the local fast-food restaurant? A study conducted by a professor at Texas Christian University suggests that the answer is "yes."

Dr. Meena Shah conducted the study with 300 men and women between the ages of 18 and 30.  The participants were given one of three menus and asked to decide which items they would choose to eat. One menu only contained the food items, the second, the number of calories in the food and the third, the amount of moderate exercise needed to burn off the calories consumed. All three menus contained the same food items.

Those participants who were given the exercise information were the only ones to significantly reduce the number of calories ordered and consumed.  Those participants who  were given menus with only the calories listed ordered and consumed about the same amount of food as those who did not know either the caloric count or the amount of exercise required to burn off those calories.

The full study was presented by Dr. Shah at the 2013 meeting of Experimental Biology.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Coffee: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Last time I wrote about the many potential health benefits of high intensity interval training or HIIT. In as little as two ten minute sessions of cycling a week, the same results can be achieved as with multiple longer, less intense sessions. Today, I want to report on two other shortcuts to healthier living that you might want to consider.

First, Prevention Magazine recently reported on a British study that showed that cutting back on carbohydrates such as pasta, breads, etc, just twice a week had as much effect on weight loss as full-time dieters. Definitely worth looking into and trying if, like me, you hate counting calories.

Another recent study has appeared to confirm what we thought all along--coffee is good for you! In a recent study by the University of Madrid and Harvard University, dramatic reductions in mortality were found among coffee drinkers. According to the study, womenn who drank two to three cups of java had as much as an 18% reduction in death from all causes. The reduction for women who drank four or five cups was even more dramatic---up to a 26% reduction. The reduction for men was smaller but still not insignificant. So. drink up!